205 Live Results – November 21, 2018

205 Live
Date: November 21, 2018
Location: Staples Center, Los Angeles, California
Commentators: Percy Watson, Vic Joseph, Nigel McGuinness

We’re into a new area on this show as Buddy Murphy successfully defended the Cruiserweight Title against Mustafa Ali this Sunday at Survivor Series. That means we need a new challenger, but I can’t imagine that takes place tonight. 205 Live likes to set things up at a slightly slower pace and you never know when they’ll have their next title match anyway. Let’s get to it.

The opening recap focuses on the pretty awesome title match with Ali coming up short again.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Buddy Murphy to get things going. Buddy has a question: did you really think Mustafa Ali was going to beat him? Well it doesn’t matter because the people’s opinion doesn’t matter to him. You can’t stop the unstoppable, but here’s Tony Nese to stop him from saying anything else, albeit in a nice way.

Tony Nese vs. Noam Dar

Before the match, Dar says he’s here to make some noise in the cruiserweight division because he’s been spending so much time in NXT UK. Nese shoulders him down and poses to start, showcasing the wide variety of taunting that he has available. Dar trips him down and gets two off a backslide. A dropkick puts Nese on the floor but Murphy offers a distraction so Nese can score with a gutbuster.

Back in and a running elbow to the face gives Nese two and it’s off to the bodyscissors. Nese misses a charge though and gets kicked off the ropes so Dar can start striking away. The northern lights suplex gives Dar two and it’s off to a guillotine. That’s broken up through raw power but Nese can’t German suplex him into the corner. Instead it’s a big forearm to Dar but he kicks Nese in the head and face. Murphy breaks up the Nova Roller though and Nese hits the German suplex into the corner. The running knee finishes Dar at 8:14.

Result: Tony Nese b. Noam Dar – Running knee in the corner (8:14)

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Mustafa Ali is hurt but it’s more mentally than physically. He wants to embrace it though, because he wants to use it to get up the next time he’s knocked down. That means he owes Murphy a thank you because now he’s going to work even harder to turn this pain into power. One day he’ll become Cruiserweight Champion.

Drake Maverick tells the referee to be ready for shenanigans (his word) in the main event. The referee leaves when Cedric Alexander comes in so Drake can make Alexander/Ali vs. Murphy/Nese for next week.

Akira Tozawa/Brian Kendrick vs. ???/???

Tozawa and Kendrick share a hesitant handshake as Drew Gulak and Jack Gallagher are watching in the back. Gallagher doesn’t think much of Kendrick aligning himself with a wailing scoundrel like Tozawa. Kendrick grabs a cravate and slaps on an armbar as the jobbers don’t even have names to start.

The backsplash gives Tozawa two and it’s time for the chops. A double big boot gives Kendrick two and it’s off to the other unnamed jobber for a Downward Spiral/kick to the back of the head combination. The first one gets in a clothesline but a spinwheel kick cuts him off. It’s back to Tozawa to clean house with the backsplash and a missile dropkick, followed by Sliced Bread #2. The top rope backsplash gives Tozawa the pin at 3:26.

Result: Akira Tozawa/Brian Kendrick b. ???/??? – Top rope backsplash (3:26)

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Murphy and Nese aren’t worried about the tag match as Murphy has beaten both Alexander and Ali by himself.

Hideo Itami is back next week.

Gran Metalik vs. TJP

The pinatas are multiplying. TJP has Mike and Maria Kanellis with him and the guys all have House Party masks. Drake Maverick isn’t having that though and ejects everyone but TJP and Metalik. Metalik wastes no time in hitting a big flip dive to the floor and throws TJP back in, only to have him roll back outside. Back in and a reverse Sling Blade has TJP in trouble until he slaps on something like a half crab Scorpion Deathlock.

Now it’s TJP hitting a big dive of his own but comes up favoring his ankle. The leg is fine enough to hit a belly to back suplex for two and it’s off to the chinlock. That goes nowhere so TJP hits a gutbuster for two instead. The Muta Lock goes on as TJP is going all over on Metalik here. Metalik finally grabs a rope to get out of the leglock so TJP gives it until four before the break.

TJP heads up but gets kicked in the head, setting up a dropkick to the back for two. The moonsault hits feet though and TJP grabs a Batista Bomb. Metalik is right back with the rope walk dropkick for two of his own and a hurricanrana off the apron in a cool looking spot. Back in and the Metalik Driver sets up the top rope elbow but TJP reverses into the kneebar. Metalik makes the rope so TJP goes after the pinata. You just don’t do that and it’s a sunset flip to finish TJP at 9:26.

Result: Gran Metalik b. TJP – Sunset flip (9:26)

Post match Maria comes out, losing it on Maverick, but it’s a distraction so Mike can come in with the chair to the House Party. The beatdown is on to end the show.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his Amazon author page with 28 wrestling books. His latest book is the the Complete 1997 Monday Night Raw Reviews.

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The post 205 Live Results – November 21, 2018 appeared first on WrestlingRumors.net.

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