Shorthanded: AEW To Be Missing Some Top Stars In Coming Weeks

It might be a bit. There are all kinds of talented wrestlers on the AEW roster, who have come together to help make the company as popular as it is. The company has been built around several different styles of wrestling, some of which have been around the promotion since the beginning. There is not room for everyone on the roster though, and now some of them will be missing in action for a bit.

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According to, some AEW stars will be missing from upcoming editions of Dynamite due to international commitments. First, Sammy Guevara, Tay Melo and FTR will all be missing from the December 28 edition of Dynamite as they will be competing for AAA in Mexico that night. Second, Kenny Omega and FTR will not be at the January 4 Dynamite as they will be in Japan for NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 17. Everyone should be back as usual following these dates.

That is some talent to have missing. Check out the names as they are around:

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[This post contains video, click to play]

[This post contains video, click to play]

Opinion: This is something that happens from time to time and that isn’t a terrible thing. AEW getting to expand beyond its main audience helps a lot and having its wrestlers working for some of the bigger promotions in the world is a part of that. It means something to have these wrestlers out there and AEW is having some big stars on some major shows soon.

What does this mean for AEW? What is next for everyone when they get back? Let us know in the comments below.

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