Ring Of Honor TV Results – March 2, 2023

Ring Of Honor
Date: March 2, 2023
Location: Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

So after a year or so of Ring Of Honor being a major part of AEW, it is time for the company to get its own show. That might mean quite a few things, but there is a good chance that we are going to be seeing a bunch of AEW stars around here. This show could go in a few different ways though so let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Mark Briscoe vs. Slim J

The rest of the Trustbusters are here with Slim J, who kicks away the Code Of Honor before the bell. Redneck Kung Fu sends J outside but a Mark Sterling distraction lets J get in a low blow. Briscoe is fine enough to kick J to the floor, setting up the dropkick through the ropes. It’s too early for the chair assisted dive so Briscoe strikes away back inside.

Another Sterling distraction lets J hit a knee to the face, setting up a reverse DDT for two. Briscoe is busted open as J chokes away in the corner, followed by the chinlock. With that broken up, Briscoe grabs a neckbreaker for two and a powerbomb plants J again. The Froggy Bow misses but Briscoe kicks him in the face and hits the Jay Driller for the pin at 9:00.

Result: Mark Briscoe b. Slim J – Jay Driller (9:00)

Tony Deppen reads a prepared statement about winning the ROH TV Title from Samoa Joe next week. He can do it with the STF or the chickenwing because he’ll be the star of Ring Of Honor.

Kingdom vs. Infantry

The Infantry is Shawn Dean/Carlie Bravo and Maria is here with the Kingdom. Bravo gets taken down to start but he’s right back up for the tag to Dean. A wishbone sends Bennett outside but Taven is in with a dropkick (and catchphrase). The Purple Thunder Bomb and brainbuster get two each on Bravo and it’s back to Taven with a slingshot elbow. Bravo manages to get in a shot of his own though and it’s back to Dean to pick up the pace, including a superkick to Bennett. Taven comes right back in for the save though and it’s the Proton Pack for the pin on Bravo at 4:55.

Result: Kingdom b. Infantry – Proton Pack to Bravo (4:55)

Blake Christian is ready to prove what All Heart means when he takes the New Japan TV Title.

Zack Sabre Jr. reminds us that he is awesome.

New Japan Pro Wrestling Television Title: Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Blake Christian

Christian is challenging and tries to take Sabre down to start as commentary explains the fifteen minute time limit. Sabre cranks on both arms but Christian flips his way out. Back up and Sabre switches to just one arm, with the fingers being bent back as well. Christian flips out with an armdrag though and a dropkick sends Sabre outside. The big flip dive is countered into a cravate and Sabre calls out Bryan Danielson.

Back in and Christian flips out of the cravate before grabbing an Alabama Slam. Sabre cranks on the head again and suplexes him over for a needed breather. They head to the apron where Christian hits a spear, setting up the big dive. Back in and Sabre slaps on a cobra stretch but Christian escapes again and slaps away. Christian has to power out of a Kimura and a low superkick gets two. We have three minutes left as Sabre counters a 450 into something like a triangle choke to retain at 12:29.

Result: Zack Sabre Jr. b. Blake Christian – Triangle choke (12:29)

Mark Sterling offers to cancel Konosuke Takeshita’s match with Josh Woods because Takeshita isn’t a big enough star. Takeshita rips up the offer instead.

Christopher Daniels says it’s a new Ring Of Honor but he’s still here to do more.

Christopher Daniels vs. Rohit Raju

Jora Juhl is here with Raju. Daniels gets stomped down in the corner to start and Raju chokes away in the corner. Back up and Daniels hits a dropkick into a suplex for two but Juhl breaks it, allowing Raju to send Daniels outside. A double stomp gives Raju two but Daniels suplexes him right back down. It’s too early for the Angel’s Wings so Daniels kicks him down and hits the Best Moonsault Ever for the pin at 5:00.

Result: Christopher Daniels b. Rohit Raju – Best Moonsault Ever (5:00)

Rhett Titus and Tracy Williams want to get back to the top of the mountain.

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Josh Woods

Mark Sterling is here with Woods, who gets driven into the corner to start. Woods wins a grapple off so Takeshita hammers down right hands in the corner. A gutwrench suplex gets Woods out of trouble but Takeshita is back with a running knee. They head to the apron where Takeshita hits a DDT before they head back inside.

Woods blocks a suplex and grabs a twisting superplex for two. Back up and Woods goes for a waistlock but Rolling Chaos Theory is blocked. Instead Takeshita powers him up for a wheelbarrow suplex (which he manages to get on only the second attempt) to put Woods away at 10:20.

Result: Konosuke Takeshita b. Josh Woods – Wheelbarrow suplex (10:20)

Claudio Castagnoli is ready for the pressure that comes with being the champ.

Embassy vs. Joe Keys/LSG/Rex Lawless

Non-title and Prince Nana is here with the Embassy. Keys and Lawless get beaten up on the floor before the bell so it’s LSG getting caught in the wrong corner. A side slam onto the top turnbuckle plants LSG and Cage hits the apron superplex. The Gates of Agony throw LSG into Cage’s sitout powerbomb for the pin at 2:12.

Result: The Embassy b. Rex Lawless/LSG/Joe Keys – Sitout powerbomb to LSG (2:12)

Ari Daivari vs. Metalik

The rest of the Trustbusters are here with Daivari. They fight over wrist control to start until Daivari makes it to the rope. Metalik walks the ropes to dropkick Daivari outside, where the Trustbusters offer a distraction. Daivari gets in a cheap shot and chokes away, setting up the chinlock.

Metalik fights up again and walks the ropes for a high crossbody to send Daivari outside. There’s the big dive to take Daivari down again and a springboard splash gives Metalik two. Mark Sterling gets up on the apron for a distraction but Slim J clotheslines Daivari by mistake. The VERY delayed two count has Metalik yelling at the ref, meaning Daivari can hit the hammerlock lariat (In Trust We Bust) for the pin at 7:23.

Result: Ari Daivari b. Metalik – In Trust We Bust (7:23)

AR Fox talks about trying to get to Ring Of Honor ten years ago. Now he’s in the main event and he’s coming for the title.

Renegades vs. Skye Blue/Madison Rayne

Blue drives Robyn into the corner to start but Robyn does the same to her. Some rollups give Blue two each and it’s off to Rayne for the basement lariat. A basement dropkick gets the same but Blue gets caught in the wrong corner. Blue flips out of a belly to back though and an enziguri allows the tag off to Rayne. Another enziguri into a cutter gets two on Robyn and everything breaks down. Rayne Downward Spirals Charlotte and spears Robyn, leaving Blue to hit Skyfall for the pin at 6:30.

Result: Skye Blue/Madison Rayne – Skyfall to Robyn (6:30)

Dalton Castle is here next week.

Here is Wheeler Yuta for a chat. He isn’t a young boy or anything like that and became the Pure Champion by being beaten down by three of the best in the world. The open challenge is issued for next week so here is Timothy Thatcher to accept.

Willow Nightingale vs. Lady Frost

Nightingale starts with some dancing and then runs her over, setting up the basement crossbody. Frost flips over her in the corner though and scores with a kick to the ribs, setting up a running flip neckbreaker. They trade kicks to the face for a double knockdown but Nightingale is back up with a spinebuster for two. Frost kicks her down again and hits a moonsault for two of her own. Nightingale has had enough of this and Doctor Bombs her for the pin at 4:38.

Result: Willow Nightingale b. Lady Frost – Doctor Bomb (4:38)

Post match Ian Riccaboni gets in the ring for a chat with Nightingale (after some dancing). She talks about her recent success around here and thinks a Women’s Title match is in line. Cue Athena to say sure.

Ring Of Honor World Title: Claudio Castagnoli vs. AR Fox

Castagnoli is defending. Fox spins out of a wristlock to start as the fans are split. A sunset flip out of the corner doesn’t work for Fox and Castagnoli blasts him with a clothesline. Back up and Fox hits a bouncy sitout bulldog out of the corner. Castagnoli is fine enough to catch him on top with a dropkick before breaking up a springboard to make it worse.

Some gutwrench suplexes drop Fox before we hit the half crab. The rope is grabbed so Castagnoli sends him face first into the apron to change things up. Castagnoli forearms him in the back a few times but Fox manages a quick DDT. An enziguri and springboard Stunner out of the corner give Fox two and Castagnoli is sent outside. There’s the big dive to the floor and a Swanton gets two back inside.

Castagnoli kicks him in the face for a near fall of his own and the Swing sends Fox outside. Back in and Fox’s rollup gets two but Castagnoli blasts him with a clothesline. Fox Death Valley Drivers him out of the corner and a 450 gets a very close two. They forearm it out until Fox is sent to the apron, where he springboards into an uppercut to retain the title at 15:37.

Result: Claudio Castagnoli b. AR Fox – Uppercut (15:37)

Post match respect is show….and Eddie Kingston is here, fresh off quitting AEW last night. He’s an independent contractor so he’s coming for the title.

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