What Made Vince McMahon Reportedly Say “I’m Sorry I Brought That A****** back.”

That takes something special. In the history of professional wrestling, there has never been anyone as powerful as Vince McMahon and there likely never will be again. McMahon ran the most dominant wrestling promotion in the world for several years and was the biggest influence on wrestling for a very long time. It was rare to see him admit a mistake, but we do know at least one time when he did so.

In his new book “There’s Just One Problem…: True Tales from the Former, One-Time, 7th Most Powerful Person in WWE”, former WWE writer Brian Gerwitz told a story of McMahon rehiring Vince Russo as a member of the creative team in 2002. After hearing Russo talk about his ideas, McMahon apologized to the team and reportedly said “This isn’t going to work…I’m sorry I brought that a****** back.” Russo’s return to the company lasted less than a month before he signed with NWA-TNA.

Opinion: McMahon is known to do a lot of things, but apologize is rarely one of them. It takes a lot for him to believe that he made a mistake but Russo’s infamous rehiring back in 2002 is one of the rare instances of it happening. Russo is the definition of a polarizing figure and the final WWE stint is one of those things that just did not work for either side, including McMahon’s.

What is your favorite McMahon story? Which Vince do you prefer? Let us know in the comments below.

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