WATCH: D-Generation X Celebration Continues After Monday Night Raw

It was a special moment. There have been a lot of great factions throughout the history of WWE and some of them are still remembered very fondly today. You can often remember several moments from those groups and it is fun to have them brought up again every now and then. That was the situation this week and it turns out that the celebration was not over when the cameras went off.

This week’s Monday Night Raw featured the 25th anniversary of the debut of D-Generation X, including several members of the team returning for a special appearance. The group closed out the event with an in-ring appearance. A clip from after the show has made its way to Twitter, showing Triple H and Shawn Michaels hugging to end the night, though neither says anything.

They’re the big ones. Check out what happened after Monday Night Raw ended:

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Opinion: This was a special moment and I was glad to see the team getting a nice reception. They didn’t really do anything and it was more of a glorified cameo than anything else but it was still cool to have them out there. D-Generation X was a big deal in WWE’s history and it makes sense to want to give them some more recognition on a milestone moment.

What did you think of the segment? What was D-Generation X’s best moment? Let us know in the comments below.

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