Major Update On Charlotte’s WWE Return
Welcome back soon. With so many wrestlers on the WWE roster, it can be easy to forget one of them when they are not around for awhile. That is something that can happen to anyone if they are gone long enough, but it also means that there can be a big moment when they come back after a layoff. That is going to be taking place at some point in the future, as a top star is on the way back.
This weekend at WWE Extreme Rules, a vignette aired announcing that Charlotte would be returning to WWE soon, though no specific date was given. Charlotte has been absent from the company since May over her wedding and what were described as personal reasons. There is no word onw hat she will do when she returns to WWE or which roster she will be on.
Opinion: Charlotte being back is going to be a big boost to the women’s division as she is one of the biggest stars it has ever seen. You can almost guarantee that she will be right in the title picture as soon as she gets back, but it could be interesting to see her have things shaken up a bit. Charlotte is incredibly talented, but WWE is going to need to find the best way to use her.
What do you expect from Charlotte’s upcoming return? Who should she face when she gets back? Let us know in the comments below.
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